Infrastructure Rewards

Market rewards

Market rewards are calculated as a percentage of the size of the market, creating a sustainable and appealing source of incentives for all protocol participants. For each protocol participant group (creators, players, analysts etc), the percentage reward is set in established in Market Config. The total amount of market rewards cannot exceed 5% of the market size.

Creator reward - at the time of market creation, the wallet which submitted the createMarket form will be awarded a mNFT which allows the creator to claim the reward. Creators are rewarded 0.5% of market contributions.

Analyst (Validator) reward - received by the analyst of the market. At the time of minting Analyst (Validator) NFTs, the user is prompted to lock an amount of FORE within the smart contract, which represents the Power of that NFT. Analyst rewards are calculated in proportion to the power composition within the market.

Dispute Creator reward - received by the dispute creator if the High Guard decision changed the analysts' decision (in other words, if the dispute was in fact correct). Receives a part of the analyst's reward or tokens extracted from the power of vNFT for incorrect verifications.

High Guard reward - received by the High Guard if there was a need for intervention. If the decision does not change the award is equal to the fee for opening a dispute. Otherwise receives a part of the analyst's reward or tokens extracted from the power of vNFT for incorrect verifications.

Token Holder reward (Token Burning) - 1% of the tokens contributed to each market will be removed from circulation, benefiting all holders of FORE and the broader ecosystem.

Fore Foundation reward - received by the Fore Foundation Wallet.

Last updated